Friday, August 2, 2013

Second Trimester

My second trimester lasted from around March 10th to June 15th.
It was exactly like everyone says it is.  
Literally Amazing.
After feeling so horrible the first trimester 
i was soo not convinced that the 2nd was going to be so perfect.
Your energy is back and in full swing.
I actually wanted to go to Homegoods again and go out to dinner and 
not just lay around my house in my pajamas and sleep.
This is when we got the bulk of the baby shopping and nursery prep done.

Besides having your energy back, everyone knows that your pregnant now 
and you get to find out if you are having a little boy or girl!
For me, the excitement of everything that happens in the 2nd trimester 
really makes up for how horrible I felt during the first one.
I have a friend tho that I'm sure would not agree with me, 
she was soooo sick every single day of her 1st and im sure nothing makes her forget that!

My family and I went on a vacation to West Palm Beach, Florida in May 
and it was the perfect time for me to travel.
I felt great, could still walk around without being out of breath (we will talk more about that in my 3rd tri recap......) and i could wear my two piece!  
Unfortunately Charlie couldn't come because he had to work.  
He is a police officer and May and June are super busy months for him.  
Obvs I wish he could have come so bad but it was so nice to get away for a week! 

I really don't have any products that made my second trimester any easier.
You just feel like your normal self again so you get to go back to everyday activities, 
eating good food again, and not being tired 24/7.  

Here are some bump pics!
This was taken March 11.  
I was feeling so much better and just wanted to walk on the beach!
Charlie and I walked from our house to the skywheel which is pretty far. 
I don't know how far, but i was proud of myself..obvs..

April 5th. 
This was our Gender Reveal Party for our families.
We already knew what we were having ( I could NOT wait) but we still cut the cake for everyone else.
You can't really see a bump here, and I dont remember feeling like I was super showing yet.

April 24th, my sisters birthday.
I remember looking at this picture after my dad took it and thinking omg, i am pregnant.
But now I look at it and I look just like i did before...
This was around week 20.
Also, i tried to wear this dress the other day and it did not all...

What a difference a couple weeks makes!
This is May 3rd in Florida.
Food is probably a contributing factor here!
I ate like a horse that trip.
And this was probably after a late night trip to the club lounge for a million cookies and desserts.
Also excuse the mess of everything!! We were on vacay!

May 19th.
Charlie made me hold my belly like that, i think it looks awkward!!

I don't have many other pics from the last part of the 2nd trimester.
I truly wish i could go back to the 2nd, the 3rd has not been all that fun!!!